Today He-Boy is 10 days old and everyday we are learning something new and slowly we are trying to dance to his lingo. Mrs He-Man milk supply is slowly coping up with the unsatiable high demand from this hungry boy which is proven with the drastic decrease of top up formula from 8 oz to 3 oz yesterday. Alahamdulilah, the gallons of water, milo, soups and fenugreek are now slowly showing some impact.
He slept well last night. I actually keep track of his sleeping and feeding time yesterday and calculated that he slept around 13 hours a day and feed around 7-8 times a day on an average of 1 hour 10 mins per feed. This is 3 hours short compared to the recommended sleeping time for new born as per recommended by Gina Ford in her bestseller The Contennted first year baby. We hope that this pattern will continue which should prepare me better to go back to workand commute next week.
In less then 2 weeks, we now have to change his diapers size already. We think his butt has grown bigger which caused a slight bruise on his thigh area which we suspect might came from the tightness of his current size diaper. We still have 2 unused diapers gift from his aunties. Guess we will just keep in store till the Yus Bird baby comes out in April.
Thats it for now, Nenek is coming soon to give him a bath and Mrs He-Man told me she lost 10 kg already since she gave birth to Aydin 10 days ago. Amazing eh...i think so!