Saturday, March 28, 2009

Uncle Baby

Congrats to Nenek Dem on the birth of Aydin`s new uncle baby on the 28th March 9:00am.


Long Pause...

Its been a while since we last updated this blog. Daddy have been quite buzy lately with some changes in the workplace and still trying to get the hang of a new job, new team, new boss etc. Actually the real reason is i am quite hung up with my new toy.. an advance gift from mommy for my coming Bday in April. Its the greatest toy ever invented for boys i.e. PS3. The thing is i effectively only have 2 hrs at night 3 times a week to play it at home..and this 2 hrs is split into surfing, blogging, photo editing, gaming and watching my TV box series.

Aydin is growing and he is getting bigger and louder everyday. He can almost run now and his personality is slowly showing day by day. He obviously is quite determine, sweet and will not stop until he gets what he wnts. We also learned that he is quite possesive of his own things making play dates with Dalila now a battle of wills. Play time usually now involve pulling, pushing, screaming and crying. More often than not..Aydin will cry as Dalila just wont give up and will climb on him if she have to..cute.

Did we also mentioned that we moved to a new house? The house is really nice and Aydin now has his own play room.ywllow in colour with lots and lots of toys inside. Will post some pics..if i have time.!


Monday, March 9, 2009

Aydin Singapore pics

2nd Day otw to Suntec
In the taxi bored
Mommy have to catch after he tried to make a run at the escalator
Same like toilet in BeiribiShould i jump?
Bored in the stroller

Toys r us Paragon

Playground outside Toy r us

Thank god for this playground

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I was doing a little digging online about breastfeeding and wet nurses online. Why? Because there is a bit of paranoia and mystery about ‘kesusuan’

Breastfeeding is a big deal in Islam. In Al Baqarah, it is stated that a woman should breast feed ‘for two whole years’. This is what I am trying to do. Alhamdulillah its something I still can do with Aydin coming close to 13 months old.

About kesusuan, this is basically how in Islam children who are nursed by another person who is not their mother becomes in effect her child, her husband becomes their father, the children who also fed from her are in effect siblings through breastfeeding. And then the family rules apply, as in you may not marry from within that family, etc, etc.

So when hospitals accidentally feed breast milk to the wrong baby, is it a big deal? If a colleague accidentally brings home the wrong bottle of milk, should we panic?

It depends.

It turns out for a child under the age of two years, they would have to breastfeed 5 times to become ‘your’ child.

Interesting isn’t it? 5 times is a lot. I’ve known people to meltdown after one ‘accidental’ feeding of their milk to another baby. Me included here. I’m the one with the colleague who wandered off with my milk by accident. A bit of a hazard when we both use Avent bottles.

Now I know to tell myself, its ok… you’ll be more careful. For it to happen another 4 times, it has to be on purpose kan? hehe