Aydin is growing and growing and his motor skills is developing quite rapidly. He is so much fun to play with now as he will scream his lungs out for just any silly little things you do. My favourite so far is special ops daddy. This involve me stealth crawling like a commando on the floor hiding behind the furniture while he is on the bed with his mommy. The idea is for me to appraoch the bed without him seeing me. Its so much fun because he knows that im around from the noise but he cant see me. He will scream if he saw me and that will be it..i lost the game.
He can wave goodnye now, he will cry emotionally if you leave him alone and interestingly he is showing signs of walking already. This week we will invest on one of those rubber mats and child proof things that you put around the house especially around the doors and the table corners. He love to test his strength by standing and holding to the furnitures. What amazed us most this raya was how he is so friendly with other childrens. He went to met Fitri..Mel`s daughter last Sunday for her Open house and its really cute to see them talking, touching each other and standing side by side along the man made fence inside the house.Wish i brought along my camera...sigh!