Your pediatrician looks for certain signs of readiness in your baby before advising you to begin solid foods. Some of these signs are:
- She is at least 4 months old.
- She weighs twice as much as her birth weight.
- She weighs at least 13-15 pounds.
- She can sit with support, allowing her to lean forward when she wants another spoonful and backward to refuse.
- She has control over her head and neck muscles and can turn her head to refuse food.
- She has stopped exhibiting the extrusion reflex when you put a spoon in her mouth.
- She is drinking at least 32-40 ounces of formula per 24-hours and still wants more.
- She is breast feeding at least 8-10 times per 24-hours (after the first few weeks), empties both breasts at each feeding, and still wants more.
- The time between feedings becomes shorter and shorter over a period of several days.
- She can bring an object in her hand directly to her mouth.
- She shows interest in others eating around her.
- She becomes fussy in the middle of the night, whereas before she slept through with no problem. Or her sleep periods are becoming shorter instead of longer.
The only thing above not applicable to Aydin is "He" rather than "She". He has been showing this symptoms for months and we finally decided to feed him with solids. We are actually feeding him a week early than the recommended age of 6 months..but hey.. one week wont make so much of a difference. He took it suspiciously in the beginning but began to spat it out and let out a tantrum after the 3rd or 4th feed. Ah well...thats a good start..tomorrow more rice and monday mommy is thinking to add some flavour to it..maybe Papaya or sweet fun.

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