Since its Breastfeeding Week, I thought I’d just shove in my 2 cents…
Aydin, I am proud to say, has been exclusively breastfed for most of his very young life. He only had Enfalac when my milk came in rather late, which is a typical but stressful effect of my emergency C-Section. I am grateful to my family who were very supportive, sourcing internet articles which suggested solutions and buying me pumps, herbs, young papaya and special greens.
I remember being hurt when asked, inda banyak susu mu? I know no one meant anything by it but it felt like someone was poking at an open wound with a big stick. I wanted to meet Aydin’s needs so badly.
The turnaround came, I think, with Fenugreek. This wonder herb can be found at GNC and Nature’s Farm. It has a long reputation for stimulating breast milk production and can apparently be found in curries.
Also, I invested in a double pump which I now cannot live without. It follows me everywhere and even let me over-produce to the extent that my freezer is full of breastmilk storage bags. I probably have about one month’s supply in there. The double pump is supposed to trick your brain into producing higher levels of prolactin by thinking you have twins suckling at the same time. The suction is hospital grade and very strong and lets me express up to 5-9 ounces in one go, depending on when Aydin’s last feed was. I highly recommend the Avent IQ Duo, very much worth the $499 (on sale) I spent on it at Mothercare.
Lately, Aydin’s appetite has been phenomenal taking in up to 20 ounces while I am at work. So I’ve had to start looking at other ways to increase breast milk supply. New solutions I’ve tried include:
Malta – a malt based drink that has done wonders for one of my colleagues. When we pump together at the office I cant help but feel a bit jealous of the full 9 ounce bottle she fills with ease. It did work for me but I find it unbearably sweet and I don’t do gassy drinks… makes me bloat like anything.
Coconut juice – I haven’t noticed any effects from this yet, having only just had one can yesterday. Will let you know if this works for me.
Alfalfa tablets – I think this has been working, giving me about half an ounce or more extra than usual. Found it recommended on most websites about breast milk supply.
Why does a mommy do all this? Well, I love it. I love it when Aydin’s curled around me and he looks up at me and smiles while he nurses. I love it when he holds on to my hand or strokes my face and coos. It makes everything worthwhile.