Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Feeding Aydin

I'm always amazed at how much food little Aydin can put away at each meal. This week I've noticed that he's eating more. I measure his intake by counting how many cubes of various buburs I defrost for his munchies (this way I only need to cook once a week or so... freezing batches in ice cube trays, great tip from my Annabel Karmel book).

We went from one to two and now 3 cubes! And his milk intake has not decreased in any way. He's still drinking around 20 ounces of milk while I am at the office. Which means that my pumping routine is still fixed to match that 20 ounces. I remember Mama saying that my milk will decrease now that he is eating. Research online finds that milk intake is pretty much the same with the food being a complement to a primary milk diet in the first 2-3 years. Looks like my pump will be my bestest friend for quite a while yet.

I'm a bit nervous about Puasa. I've heard both stories of moms who fast and pump without any problems as well as those whose milk abruptly stopped while fasting. I sincerely hope I am the first type. The idea of stopping breastfeeding is very upsetting for me. The Quran does mention that a mother should try for the first 2 years, so I hope to do that. If my supply does drop, I'll probably not fast this year... insyallah this won't be necessary. I'll go research tips on what to do to try fast and breastfeed successfully. And that will be in another post.

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